
These are examples of projects we have implemented in Mozambique.

Lucia’s story

Lucia, a single mother of four, faced eviction from her rented plot. With our support, Lucia:

🔑 Plot Ownership: Transitioned from a tenant to a proud plot owner.

🏠 Safe Housing: Moved into a secure and stable home, providing a safe environment for her children.

Our assistance didn't just provide a house, it gave Lucia and her family stability and hope for the future.

Isabella’s story

Isabella, a devoted widow caring for her 24-year-old son who suffers from Polio, faced challenges with inadequate housing conditions, including a leaky hut made of palm leaves. With our support, Isabella:

🔑 Improved Housing: Transitioned from uncertainty living in a leaky hut to owning a secure and weather-resistant home.

🏠 Enhanced Living Conditions: Ensured a dry and comfortable environment, which is crucial for her son's health and well-being.

Our intervention provided more than just a house, it offered Isabella and her son security and relief from the challenges they previously faced especially during rainy seasons.

Vaccination & castration

Each year, we partner with the Mozambican government to raise awareness about the importance of vaccinating pets in rural communities. We organize vaccination days for pet owners and provide castration services to help prevent the spread of diseases and control the overpopulation of dogs and cats.